Funding & Investors does not only pertain to the lender but also to the investor. In other words, the two are not mutually exclusive. One has to look around for lenders, who are willing to fund the venture. This article throws light on the various aspects of this mutual relationship. Many funding & investors are […]
Author: admin
Is There a Risk of a Cyprus Like Scenario?
Is There a Risk of a Cyprus Like Scenario? The European Central Bank may have made some noises about its plans to bring more credit risk back into the money markets, but for many the euro area countries are not looking at a Glass Steep Road. This is because they are aware that if they […]
Venture Capital Investing 101
Venture Capital Investing 101 Venture capital is an uncommon form of private equity capital. Typically it is offered by outside investors to typically new companies that promise to develop quickly. Venture capital investments are often very high risk, but provide the potential for great above-average profits. A venture capitalist ( VC ) is someone who […]
The Hypothesis on Changes in Firm Investment
Financial Leverage is an influential economic determinant of firm investment decisions. The paper is based on statistical data from 2, 403 Indian companies during the time period 1995-2021, generating a database of 19,654 company-year data. Electronic Financial Portability and Management (eframe) software is used for accessing the information. Analysis is performed using various non-parametric panel […]
How Can I Invest in Venture Capital?
Venture capital is a form of private equity investment. In most cases it is offered by external investors to small new companies that promise to develop quickly. Venture capital investments are typically very high risk, however, offer the possibility of much higher returns over time. There are also some industries in which venture capital is […]
Funding & Investors – Sources of Capital for Entrepreneurs
As an investor in a business you will be required to fund and invest in various projects depending on the type of your investment. Therefore, it is necessary that you know where the money you are going to invest is going to come from, so that you can choose the best and appropriate projects. While […]
Funding & Investors: A Guide for New Ventures
Funding & Investors: A Guide for New Ventures What is the difference between a funding and an investor for your start-up business? As a startup entrepreneur you already understand the difference between funding and investors. But do you know what the difference means when it comes to investors? And do you know what you need […]
Four Hypotheses About Firms and Their Investment Structure
Four Hypotheses About Firms and Their Investment Structure One of the key criteria for selecting an appropriate financial manager is assessing firm investment policies, strategies, and techniques. It is also seen that the effect of financial leverage on firm investment can be major for high information asymmetrical firms. However, there is no clear relationship found […]
How Does the Effect of Federal Stimulus Package on Firms’ Investments
Many businesses, both large and small, face the problem of market friction, which is essentially the difference between profits and losses in the firm. Market friction occurs when firms try to operate within a system where their activities produce limited returns while other firms try to take advantage of the relatively higher returns produced by […]
Venture Capital
Venture capital is often referred to as an informal kind of equity capital. In contrast to equity capital, venture capital is paid only when the company makes a profit. Venture capital is paid through a third party, generally a venture capital firm, who buys a stake of the company’s stock or shares. This allows the […]
Venture Capital Overview
Venture capital is basically an additional form of private equity funding which is offered by venture capital funds or venture capital firms to emerging businesses, early stage, and high growth companies who have been deemed to have great growth potential. Venture capital funds offer a range of options for raising capital from wealthy individuals or […]
Funding & Investors
Funding & Investors Funding & Investors are the initial public offering made to potential investors. This is a major step in the selling and purchasing of shares of stock in a corporation. The purpose of the IPO is to raise enough money so that the company can go on with its operations. A certain amount […]
Funding & Investors – What is the Best Choice For Your Business?
For private investor, funding & investors involves a lot of things. From funding new business start ups to finding good real estate property investors must know their own limitations and preferences when it comes to investing in certain types of assets. Private investors typically prefer to invest in businesses that will generate a sustainable amount […]
Supervisory Architecture – Towards a Modern European Supervisory System
Today’s economic climate has caused many companies to “put on a show”, especially when it comes to their financial statements and the shareholders’ equity. Unfortunately, these types of financial statements often miss an important piece of information. The “Loss Ratio” often understates an overall company’s profitability. How can a company attract investors and retain them […]
What is Venture Capital?
Venture capital is a type of private equity funding that is provided by venture capital funds or private equity firms to startups, mid-stage, and new companies which have been deemed to have medium to long term growth potential or that have shown consistent growth over a certain period of time. Venture capital funds also often […]
Firm Investments and the Financial Crisis Period
Firm investment refers to the total value of all assets owned by a company as of a specific date. The total value is determined by applying a multiple regression analysis to the historical data. regression is a well known statistical method used to estimate the relationship between a variable and its mean and standard deviation. […]
Funding & Investors
When it comes to the process of raising financing & investors, there are several key areas to cover in order to ensure your success. One of the most important keys to success is having a strong business plan. Having a business plan will help you and your potential funding partners see where your company is […]
How Venture Capitalists Can Help Small Businesses Launch Their Business
Venture capital is an increasingly important type of private funding that is offered by many venture capital firms or foundations to budding entrepreneurs, newer start-ups, and even emerging businesses that have proven to have very high potential for growth or that have shown very strong growth in prior years. Venture capital provides the seed money […]
Studying Firm Investments
Studying Firm Investments Financial reports are primarily used by financial institutions and banks for their investors as well as for other business purposes. They are prepared based on accounting principles and frameworks and may be prepared in different formats such as: single-entry bookkeeping books, journals, ledgers, journals, and software. The purpose of these reports is […]
Funding & Investors
The first few months of owning your new business can be a very unstable time. You don’t know where to turn for funding and investors don’t seem to want to lend to small businesses. This is when you are looking for funding options that will make you attractive to investors and the best place to […]
Tips For Securing Venture Capital Funding for Small Businesses
Venture capital is actually a type of private capital financing that’s provided by venture capital funds or venture capital firms to emerging or small-scale companies which have been deemed to have very high potential for growth or which have proven high success in the past. Usually venture capital funds are made up of wealthy individual […]
Was the European Financial Crisis Caused by a Stimulus Package?
Was the European Financial Crisis Caused by a Stimulus Package? We all know that firms have been building cash for years, but do you really understand the details of how they do so? The process has become increasingly more sophisticated and complex in recent years, and firms are able to take advantage of this with […]
Funding & Investors – Choosing the Right Sources
Funding & Investors – Choosing the Right Sources As an emerging investor you have probably heard the term ” Funding & Investors ” tossed around before. There are actually several key players that are involved in finding, acquiring and growing private equity for businesses. The following article will take a brief look at the individuals […]
Types of Venture Capital
Venture capital is the kind of financing a company gets from financial investors in order to finance its start-up activities or for acquisition of a firm. Venture capital is sort of an early-stage finance. The venture capital firm provides this kind of financing by collecting fees based on the risk level of the business venture. […]
Finding Investors & Investors – How to Find Investors & Investors
Finding Investors & Investors – How to Find Investors & Investors Finding a Funding & Investors that will fit your needs is a challenge for all Real Estate investors. It is extremely common to approach investment banks for funding and the experience of the banker. This can be an easy approach, but many investors have […]
Stimulus Package Increases Firm Investments But Not Their Investment Efficiency
Stimulus Package Increases Firm Investments But Not Their Investment Efficiency The present paper discusses the effect of leverage on company investment. We begin by defining the notion of Leverage. Then we discuss why it is important to consider the effect of leverage on investment at both the local and national level. The final part of […]
Stimulus Package and Firm Investments
This paper explores the tellativeness of secondary public offering (PPS) transactions on finding out company investment fraudulence, identifying fraudulent short selling transactions, and utilising their information to exploit company investment fraudulence. As a first step, we consider a case study of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), a German pharmaceutical giant which merged with AstraZeneca in February 2021. GlaxoSmithKline […]
Venture Capital 101
Venture capital is a type of private equity financing which is provided by venture capital funds or private investors. This type of funding is very attractive to small businesses because it enables these companies to raise a substantial amount of capital from a third party without having to provide a major service or product to […]
Capital Funding – Tips For Investors Raising Capital
The first step in finding a funding & investors profile for your business is to identify those that are willing to invest in your business. This can be accomplished by carrying out a search on Google, Yahoo or MSN and searching for different business types. This will give you a list of potential funding sources. […]
Venture Capital and Small Business Investment Companies
Venture capital is a type of private equity funding which is given by private venture capital companies or private funds to budding, emerging, or newly started companies which have been determined to have very high growth potential and/or that have proven very high success. Venture capital investments are usually made in the start-ups of companies […]
Domestic Credit Freedom, Government Procurement and Firms’ Investment
Domestic Credit Freedom, Government Procurement and Firms’ Investment In previous chapters, have discussed why companies are affected by fluctuations in its output and income potential, as well as how a company responds to fluctuations in competition. In this chapter, we discuss the effect between firm financial leveragedness and firm investment. Although it is difficult to […]
Funding & Investors
Funding & Investors Funding & Investors have been an integral part of the property financing process for decades. The Lending Institutions and other financial institutions invest in Commercial Real Estate for a variety of reasons including appreciation, rental value, or to generate income. As a result Commercial Real Estate investors must seek funding from private […]
Firms’ Return on Firm Investments
It is often observed that firms with higher financial leveraged ratios tend to be more successful than those with lower ones. For instance, Wal Mart, a firm with a very high financial leverage ratio, succeeded in overcoming problems with its shares after the Great Depression. But, the same case does not hold good for Fannie […]
Venture Capital – Key Areas To Look for in Venture Capital
Venture Capital – Key Areas To Look for in Venture Capital Venture capital is actually a type of private equity funding that is offered by venture capital firms or groups to emerging businesses, early-stage, and small businesses that have been deemed either to have great growth potential or that have shown great promise in their […]
How to Raise Venture Capital
Venture capital is often referred to as an additional type of financing. It is a type of capital which is used for specific purposes. The most commonly associated use is for early-stage companies, especially those with little market knowledge or capital, or companies having high risk. Venture capital is also sometimes used for small and […]
Different Types of Funding Available to Entrepreneurs
Different Types of Funding Available to Entrepreneurs There is no such thing as unsolicited funding and that means you should not be in touch with anyone offering to provide you with a funding source unless you are solicited. If they are soliciting, beware of them. It could very well be that they are soliciting for […]
Financing For Startups – Types of Funding Options That Can Help Your Business Grow
Funding & Investors are those people who will either invest your project or provide you with financing for it. Investors will normally consult with you before investing in your project. This is because they have a vested interest in the success of your project. Investors can provide you with both traditional and private funding sources. […]
The Analysis of a Firm Investment Strategy
The Analysis of a Firm Investment Strategy The concept of firm investment strategies is as old as the hills. In fact, you can trace its roots back to the time when the common man could make use of the fire-hardened nails and the pickax to work his own way to prosperity. As years passed by, […]
A Guide to Fixed Income Investments
Recent academic research has suggested that firms that obtain greater levels of firm elasticity have more successful outcomes than those with lower levels of firmness. Firmness is primarily associated with accounting measures such as internal book value and profit margin. However, it is also seen that firms with higher levels of financial flexibility have more […]
How To Find A Venture Capital Firm To Invest In Your Company
Venture capital is a type of private equity financing which is typically offered by venture capital firms to new startups, mid-stage, or emerging companies which have been deemed to have excellent growth potential or that have shown great growth in the past. Inventors typically fund these types of ventures through angel investors as a means […]
Venture Capital and Private Equity Fundraising
Venture capital is a type of private equity funding that is offered by venture capital funds or private equity firms to emerging or small-scale companies that are deemed to have high potential for growth or that have shown impressive growth in the past year or two. These companies are considered to be at a seed […]
Funding & Investors – Types of Financing That Are Available
Funding & Investors – Types of Financing That Are Available In order to fund a start up business the typical scenario is that the company founders approach funding & investors. While most new businesses are ideally supported by their own sales team, there may be other times when funding is needed from external sources. When […]
Financing & Investors
Financing & Investors In my previous post, I went over some of the key things to consider when you are seeking funding for your business. I explained how important it is to have strong business plans that can be reviewed by funding agencies. And I shared with you some of the most common investment opportunities […]
European Banking System Undergirds Firm Investment
European Banking System Undergirds Firm Investment This paper explores the tellativeness of short selling on identifying firm investment fraud, finding that most short sellers adjust their short portfolios well before the release of a company’s financial statements, in order to use their prior information advantage to facilitate fraudulent transactions. We also look at whether firms […]
Venture Capital
Venture capital is the investment of funds in startups, new businesses, and early-stage companies which have been deemed to have very high probability of generating profits and/or which have shown high probability of becoming an market leader. Venture capital thus provides entrepreneurs with the chance to put their ideas to work and receive monetary support […]
Three Factors That Are Considered by Firms Considering State Stimulus Package Stimulus
Three Factors That Are Considered by Firms Considering State Stimulus Package Stimulus The research paper discovers that firm investment is inversely correlated with firm growth and vice versa. But financial leverage isn’t important for small-business firms. However, no strong relationship is identified between financial leverage and high or low-performing firms. Also, the authors find that […]
Types of Venture Capital Financing For Entrepreneurs
Types of Venture Capital Financing For Entrepreneurs Venture capital is a type of private equity funding that is offered by venture capital companies or private finance groups to early-stage, startup, and emerging businesses that are deemed to have high potential for growth or that have proven past success. These companies are given a significant amount […]
Working With Investors
Working With Investors When you are looking to raise capital, one of the most difficult parts of the process is working with Funding & Investors. Many seasoned entrepreneurs have an issue getting Investors to invest in their businesses, because they simply don’t know how to approach this situation. Fortunately, there are many resources that can […]
Funding & Investors – Finding Investors to Back You Up!
Funding & Investors – Finding Investors to Back You Up! Funding & Investors. We hear a lot about them but what exactly are they? As the name suggests, they are the people that provide the money that allows businesses and other organisations to get going. They are normally wealthy individuals who have money to invest […]
Firm Investments: The Pitfalls
Firm Investments: The Pitfalls In this paper, the analysis of firm investment strategies draws insights from multiple agency theory. The analysis shows that financial leverage, by definition, is a situation whereby one firm purchases a large amount of productive assets from other firms at a much lower cost than they could otherwise buy them. As […]
Tips for Selecting the Right Venture Capital Firm for Your Investments
Tips for Selecting the Right Venture Capital Firm for Your Investments Venture capital is a type of private equity funding that is given by venture capital firms to budding, mid-stage, and large companies that are deemed to have good growth potential or that have proven high profit potential. The money is raised through a private […]
The Growing Importance Of Bank Supervision In The European Union
The Growing Importance Of Bank Supervision In The European Union This article highlights the implications of firm investment for the value of the firm. Drawing insights from asset theory, the paper explores that financial leveraging is significantly and negatively correlated with firm investment. It is found that the negative impact of leveraging on firm investment […]
Types of Funding & Investors
If you’re a budding entrepreneur or small business owner then you already know the importance of funding and investors. Investors will invest in your idea, helping to fund its growth and development. Unfortunately, most people misunderstand this concept as they don’t quite understand how to go about funding and what potential investors are looking for. […]
Venture Capital Companies
Venture Capital Companies Venture capital is a kind of private equity financing, which is offered by venture capital funds or individual venture capital companies to small, emerging, and pre-series businesses that have been deemed to have medium to long growth potential or that have shown clear promise in their technologies or in other areas. The […]
A Review of “Secrets of Private Funding for Small Business” by Donald W. Winnicott
Funding & Investors is the first book that I have written since going on the road to becoming a financially independent senior citizen. It is geared for the retiree who wants a little help with money management as well as a plan to help get them back on their feet once again. This book covers […]
Firm Investments in International Markets
Firm Investments in International Markets The relationship between firm investment growth and firm growth is studied in a new paper by drawing implications from agency theory, the study finds that financial leverage at the firm level is significantly and negatively correlated with firm growth. In other words, it is also seen that the effect of […]
Government Buyers Protects Firms’ Investments From Fluctuations
Government Buyers Protects Firms’ Investments From Fluctuations The relationship between firm investment attractiveness and firm expansion has been examined using an experimental firm Investor model. Data was statistically collected over a five year period and a robust regression model was estimated using several different investment policies, including those involving private equity and venture capital. The […]
Venture Capital – A Brief Overview
Venture capital is a type of private equity funding that is offered by venture capital companies or private funds to new startups, pre-startup, and small or emerging companies that have shown potential for growth or that have been judged to have high projected growth potential. A venture capital firm invests in these companies as part […]
Venture Capital and the Real Estate Industry
Venture capital is the investment capital of the private funds generated to support start-ups and new businesses. Venture capital is the first source of financing for new ventures, as it usually provides seed money to the companies in exchange for shares of the company stock. Venture capital is meant to serve as back up in […]
Different Sources Of Funding & Investors
Funding & Investors do not only refer to private investors. These can be from any source such as friends, relatives or networks and associations. But it is a common perception that angel investors are the only ones who can provide funding for start-ups. And this is completely wrong. There are several funding sources that an […]
Firm Investment Analysis
This article focuses on the theory of firm investment and its implications for finance theory and macroeconomics. I use the firm concept to describe the relationship between firms and banking. The paper also uncovers the relationship between firm investment, bank financing and fiscal policy. Finally I discuss the implications of firm investment for international economic […]
Funding & Investors
When you have decided to enter the world of private equity, financing and/or investment, you must be aware that not all investors are alike. As such, no matter what industry you are in, you need to have a strategy to bring the attention of potential funding sources. However, the most important issue is getting the […]
Towards Enhanced Firm Investment Management
Towards Enhanced Firm Investment Management This paper discusses the tentativeness of short selling on finding company performance, finding that often short sellers adjust their positions prior to the release of a quarterly earnings statement, to effectively use their own data advantage on company investment inefficiencies. The paper goes into explaining some of the more common […]
Venture Capital Funding – Types of Capital Financing
Venture capital is basically a type of private equity funding that is offered by venture capital companies or funds to newer, emerging, and often privately owned businesses that have been deemed to possess high potential for growth or that have shown very promising growth over a certain period of time. Ventures need venture capital as […]
Funding & Investors – How Investors Decide on Projects
Funding & Investors – How Investors Decide on Projects Funding & Investors always have to be wary of the companies they finance. This is because, in any investment, a certain amount of risk is always involved. Therefore, when an investor is dealing with the funding and is looking for a company to invest in, they […]
How to Work With Venture Capitalists and Angel Investors
How to Work With Venture Capitalists and Angel Investors Venture capital is a type of private equity financing, which is usually offered by venture capital funds or private equity firms to startups, mid-stage, or emerging companies that have been deemed to have very high potential for success or that have proven high profit potential. Venture […]
Firm Investment
Firm Investment is defined as an asset that has the potential to return a higher profit to its owner in the future. The majority of firms are usually private or limited in nature and are invested in low-risk government bonds, commercial real estate and equities among other assets. The majority of firms invest in several […]
Funding & Investors Identify the Ideal Company
Funding & Investors Identify the Ideal Company Funding & Investors have a mission to increase the economic stability of all communities in the United States and Canada. It works by educating investors on the best ways to invest in different community development projects. It also tries to raise funds for projects through public-private partnership involving […]
Venture Capital Funding – Why Investing in Venture Capital is Smart
Venture Capital Funding – Why Investing in Venture Capital is Smart Venture capital is also known as private equity funding which is provided by various venture capital companies or funds. This type of financing provides a source of funds for early stage companies or startups which are having a bright future and may not be […]
American Business Listed Best Places For International Firm Investment
Financial Leverage, Firm Growth: The Role of Leverage in Relation to Firm Value. A new theory suggests that the relationship between firm value and firm growth is influenced by financial leverage. The relationship between firm value and company value was explored using an experimental firm model. Using financial leverage, researchers simulated a large number of […]
Understanding Venture Capital & Venture Capital Funding
Venture capital is a type of private equity funding, which is offered by venture capital firms or private funding groups to early-stage, startup, and emerging businesses that have shown consistent growth or that have a high potential for growth. Venture capital funds generally provide start-up money in exchange for shares in the business. They may […]
Funding & Investors for a New Business
Funding & Investors for a New Business For many small business owners, funding & investors poses a constant and sometimes debilitating series of challenges. While the Internet has made it possible for virtually anyone to set up a business website and market it to the online market, the reality is that most entrepreneurs will not […]
Funding & Investors – 3 Different Funding Sources to Work With
Funding & Investors – 3 Different Funding Sources to Work With There are many ways to get investors to invest in your business, and funding is one of the most important to obtaining this goal. Investors are one of the key factors in determining whether or not you will succeed in business. As an entrepreneur, […]
Supervisory Architecture and European Banking Supervision
There is a major debate going on at the moment in Europe about how to stimulate the economy with more robust policies and a more aggressive approach towards bank lending. This comes against the background of record low interest rates and rising unemployment figures across the continent. The European Central Bank has been widely criticized […]
Venture Capital 101
Venture Capital 101 Venture capital, or also known as private equity, is the investment in start up companies, which are not-for-profit, by a group of investors. The term Venture Capital is also used for the investment in senior unsecured debt obligations issued by senior management, as part of a financing activity. Venture Capitalists generally prefers […]
Understanding the Fundamentals of Capital Flows
Understanding the Fundamentals of Capital Flows In economics, firm investment is an investment that yields a positive return; more specifically, it yields more than enough income to finance future operations and allow the owner to retain his ownership and control. On the other hand, financial leverage reduces the expected value of future income that can […]
Venture Capital and Angel Investors
Venture Capital and Angel Investors Venture capital is a type of private capital financing that is provided primarily by venture capital companies or funds to newer businesses, startups, and established companies that are deemed to have very high potential for growth or that have shown very strong growth in the past. Ventures can also be […]
Types of Startup Investment Capital
Funding & Investors can be difficult concepts if you have never heard of them before. You have probably heard of venture capital but that is in the early stages, where angel investors are looking for proven businesses to provide capital to start and/or expand. The next level up is venture capitalists who are mostly interested […]
The Role of Firm Investment in Shrinking the Economic Freedom Index
The Role of Firm Investment in Shrinking the Economic Freedom Index The present paper explores why firm investment is sensitive and negatively correlated with financial equity. Furthermore, it is also seen that the effect of financial equity on firm investment is rather insignificant for medium information asymmetric firms. Finally, the present paper concludes by examining […]
Startup Business Funding Sources
Startup Business Funding Sources Funding & Investors are often the last line of defence for a fledgling business, but for many, securing the finance they require can be one of the most frustrating tasks. For many start-ups, funding can prove to be even more difficult and there may even be questions as to whether funding […]
Venture Capital Funding
Venture Capital Funding Venture capital is a type of private equity funding, which is usually provided by venture capital companies or funds to early-stage, startup, and growing companies that have been considered to have high potential for growth or that have shown high entrepreneurial potential. Venture capitalists provide these funds as long as the venture […]
Government Intervention On Firm Investments
This paper explores the tentativeness of naked short selling to exploit company profitability, finding that naked short selling investors adjust their short positions prior to the release of a company’s second quarter financial statement. Specifically, we examine whether the company is taking advantage of underwriter error, a time distortion caused by quarterly filings. We also […]
Venture Capital – Obtaining Seed Capital For Your Start-Up Business
Venture Capital – Obtaining Seed Capital For Your Start-Up Business Venture capital is the expression given to an investment made by private investors for the purpose of acquiring and developing a new enterprise. Venture capital is provided mainly by venture capital companies or private funds and is usually used for early stage, startup, or emerging […]
Funding & Loans – Private Investors
Funding & Investors are an investment publication that I have co-authored with James Freeman. We have had many success articles on this very subject. This particular volume covers the basics of how to get funding and investors, how to select a venture capital and private equity fund, what to expect from a venture capital fund […]
Funding & Investors Relationship
Funding & Investors Relationship Investors are the funding source for most small businesses. There are many reasons why a business needs to secure funding. Often it is due to start-up costs, overhead or financial issues and a small business needs help from multiple sources to properly fund their ventures. Investors can provide the funding that […]
The Role of Supervisory Architecture in Firm Investment
The relationship between firm assets, firm financial flexibility, and firm financial performance has long been studied by many financial analysts and researchers. In essence, the research finds that firm financial flexibility acts as a feedback mechanism for firm asset allocation and firm valuation. The research suggests that firms enjoy greater firm returns when they make […]
Types of Venture Capital and Funding Levels
Venture capital is a type of private equity funding, which is offered by venture capital companies or funds. Venture capital is one of the most important types of financing for startups and other new businesses. Venture capital companies generally fund startups that have an initial public offering which is considered to be a highly liquid […]
Firm Investments Analysis
This paper explores the tentativeness of specific company announcements of short sale, particularly the decision to execute a short sale within a relatively short time-frame. To do so, it first examines how the announcements affect both short-term and long-term share price fluctuations in the underlying shares. Next, it examines how announcements of potential short sales […]
Venture Capitalists and Private Equity Investing
Venture capital is essentially a type of private equity funding that are given by venture capital firms to early-stage, startup, and emerging businesses that are deemed to possess high potential for growth or that have shown great success in prior markets. Venture capital also can be used by venture capitalists to support companies that demonstrate […]
Funding Sources for Small Businesses
A vital part of starting or growing a small business is to seek the right funding. The process can be very confusing and frustrating to entrepreneurs, who have no idea how to start looking. In order to avoid common mistakes, there are a few simple guidelines to follow. Funding sources should be considered “liquid” – […]
How To Improve Firm Investment
What is Firm Investment? Simply stated, it is the ability to accumulate capital without having to rely on others to supply that capital. Now, how can one be able to determine if they are on track to becoming firm? Well, there are two main ways to do this. The first would be to take the […]
Tips for Funding & Investors for Small Businesses
Funding & Investors usually happen when there is a problem, either with your financial condition or with the economy, which makes it difficult to secure traditional loans. Investors will often look at your business plan and ask themselves whether or not they should invest in you. This can occur for various reasons. One common reason […]
The Role of Supervisory Architecture in Sectoral Banking Regimes
The Role of Supervisory Architecture in Sectoral Banking Regimes Finance theory is a branch of business theory which looks into the problem of firm investment and its relationship to the economy. The paper by Das and Kumar (eds) addresses a broad range of issues in this context and goes a long way in illuminating the […]
Advantages of Investing in Venture Capital and Seed Capital
Venture capital is often referred to as private equity, because it is typically funded by raising a small amount of capital from a number of sources. Venture capitalists are wealthy individuals who invest in new businesses. Typically, these investments result in high risk and very large potential rewards. They generally prefer to fund new companies […]
A Guide to Venture Capital
Venture capital is a type of private equity financing, which is offered by venture capital funds or private capital firms to emerging businesses, mid-stage, and early-stage companies that are considered to have potential for growth or that have proven high growth potential. Venture capital funds are generally regarded as the major means through which private […]
A Guide To Funding & Investors
A Guide To Funding & Investors The role of the finance industry and the funding of projects are as varied as the number of players who make up the industry. Those who dabble in this vocation find themselves involved with a diverse array of entities. In addition to these individuals, companies, NGOs, government institutions and […]
What Does it Take to Attract Investors For a Business?
What Does it Take to Attract Investors For a Business? Funding & Investors. Those who work with funding companies and investors are generally referred to as “Funding & Investors”. These people are usually consultants who are paid a fixed amount of money for bringing a client in. Usually, they are already involved in the funding […]
The Need for Supervision in the Banking Industry
The European Central Bank (ECB) has introduced a new facility to financial intermediaries that they call “firm investment advice”. It basically means that if you want to access information on how your portfolio is performing, you can request it from any of the banks in the euro area countries. This makes the banks compete for […]
Firm Investment – The Benefits Of Internationalisation
A Firm Investment refers to a fixed investment where you have a guarantee, either in the form of a stock or other ownership, that the money you invest will earn a return. The returns are usually reinvested in the firm. This type of investment is referred to as fixed because it is not affected by […]
Venture Capital and Pension Funds
Venture capital is a type of private capital financing, which is offered by venture capital funds or private equity firms to budding, mid-stage, and early-stage companies which are deemed to have medium or high potential for growth or that have shown early proof of success. Venture capital firms typically invest in the companies which they […]